
Huebner Ambulatory Surgery Center

This provider specializes in: Spine Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
General Surgery

Huebner Ambulatory Surgery Center is a Medicare and AAAHC certified Ambulatory Surgical Center located in San Antonio, TX. HASC specializes in general, cardiovascular, orthopedic, otolaryngology, podiatry, bariatric, urology and spine surgery. HASC was the 1st ASC in Texas to obtain certification with the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program, Blue Distinction in Bariatrics and Optum's Bariatric Center of Excellence.

Get Started

To begin the process, please contact a KPP Advocate at (866) 898-7219. For a list of qualified procedures, please refer to the link below.

Qualified Procedures

Huebner Ambulatory Surgery Center Qualified Procedures (PDF format)