
Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center (CLOSING Effective 05/31/2022)

Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center (CLOSING Effective 05/31/2022)
This provider specializes in: Urology

Oklahoma Lithotripter Associates, LC (OLA) was founded in 1985 to bring kidney stone treatment technology to the state of Oklahoma. In 2009, OLA established the Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center (OKSC). The Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center offers state-of-the-art kidney stone treatments. OKSC is designed specifically for treating kidney stones using shockwave lithotripsy.

Oklahoma Lithotripter Associates is a physician owned company and employs only highly skilled lithotripsy technologists who are licensed Radiologic Technologists (RT), who assist the physicians with the lithotripsies at the Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center.

Mobile Treatment Services

Servicing Hospitals in:
Oklahoma And Texas
Phone: 405-604-4160

You can visit Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center (CLOSING Effective 05/31/2022) online at http://www.surgeryok.com

Get Started

To begin the process, please contact a KPP Advocate at (866) 898-7219. For a list of qualified procedures, please refer to the link below.

Qualified Procedures

Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center (CLOSING Effective 05/31/2022) Qualified Procedures (PDF format)