
Robert M. Gordon, MD

Robert M. Gordon, MD
This provider specializes in: Sleep Medicine

Doctor Gordon completed undergraduate degrees in music and science at Oklahoma City University in 1981. He earned his medical degree at the University of Oklahoma in 1985 and then completed his internal medicine residency at the University of Kansas in 1988. His fellowship training in pulmonary medicine was completed at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in 1990. Fellowship training for sleep medicine was not available at that time, so he studied sleep medicine at the Stanford School of Sleep Medicine in Palo Alto, CA, and was one of the first physicians in Oklahoma to become certified by the American Board of Sleep Medicine. Dr. Gordon is board-certified in Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine through the American Board of Internal Medicine.

Internal medicine is a specialty that provides primary care for adult patients, and as such, Dr. Gordon cares for the person as a whole. He enjoys practicing medicine and bonds with his patients in an effort to positively impact health outcomes. His hobbies include music, walking, reading and travel, and he has accompanied numerous mission efforts including Africa, Eastern Europe, Central and South America.

Dr. Gordon offers expert advice and treatment for all forms of sleep and pulmonary disorders. This includes obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, insomnia, narcolepsy, snoring, hallucinations, asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis and many more. We offer Home Sleep Testing and Pulmonary Function Testing in our office.

You can visit Robert M. Gordon, MD online at

Get Started

To begin the process, please contact a KPP Advocate at (866) 898-7219. For a list of qualified procedures, please refer to the link below.

Qualified Procedures

Robert M. Gordon, MD Qualified Procedures (PDF format)